NOIRBITUARY: A Tale From The Windy City

By Nikolai Rascia



On the night of April 20th, 2013, the relationship of Gavin and Robert was removed from life support and pronounced dead by local authorities. Experts are unsure of the exact cause of death but cited malnutrition, asphyxiation, and jealous heart disease as contributing factors. The body was found in a downtown gutter, where the two were last seen together on a date. An eyewitness claimed that the couple “seemed very tense, as if one wrong word could have sparked a fight.” While no harsh words were exchanged, the witness stated that the manner in which Robert said “Goodbye” sounded quite final.


They started out in what could be described as a “whirlwind romance”. Gavin, 29, met Robert, 34, on a popular online dating site. Gavin revealed that he was immediately taken by Robert’s charisma, describing him as very worldly – speaking often of his travels and experiences. In addition to freelancing events around the country, Robert teaches at a school for Psychics. Gavin confesses that he found the prospect of such a place exciting and intriguing.
After three weeks of dating, Robert invited Gavin to take a workshop at his school. Gavin visited the school often, where he met the majority of Robert’s close friends, also students and teachers at the school. Gavin fit right in with all of Robert’s friends, who welcomed him into their circle immediately. After being together for 3 weeks, they declared the relationship official. Gavin recalls feeling a rush of empowerment from their newfound love. Before long, Gavin was staying at Robert’s loft apartment several days at a time, taking care of his dog, and running errands for him while he was at work.
The relationship hit a turning point while Robert was away on a business trip. He had lent Gavin his tablet so they could use the video chat feature to keep in touch. Robert had not anticipated, however, that his tablet received all of his text messages, and the device that he handed to Gavin was forwarding several incriminating messages and pictures of his escapades in San Francisco, including a drug deal and a hotel party, where he took several photographs of what can only be described as a “hotel orgy”.
Upon reading this, Gavin was stricken with pains in his chest, and it was at that point that his health began to suffer. For three days he told nobody of what he had seen, and kept to himself. Upon being confronted, Robert promised that he did not cheat or do any drugs; merely exposing himself to them. Without any clear evidence, Gavin accepted Robert’s explanation. When Robert came back from his trip, he treated Gavin to a date and told him that he could keep the tablet, and the two spent a weekend together. The incident was all but forgotten and they spent the next four days together.
For the next few weeks, the couple would spend a weekend together followed by a week apart. Gavin began to get panic attacks whenever Robert sent Gavin texts while out drinking. On one such instance, Robert sent Gavin a text from a particularly seedy strip club. Gavin recounted to Robert about how he was “manhandled” the one and only time he went there, to which Robert replied, “I pay for that sometimes. ” It was around this time that Gavin reported symptoms that included flushing of the face, labored breathing, and pains in his chest.
The health of the relationship was seriously declining by mid-April. Robert complained that he was feeling “smothered” by Gavin and felt too restricted by his “rules”, but assured Gavin that this was an adjustment period as he was not used to commitment at this level. Gavin recalls feeling drained by waves of “flood and drought”. He only spent one night with Robert that weekend feeling Robert needed “his space”.
On their last night together, the couple went downtown to see “The Book of Mormon”. They both enjoyed the show, but there was a rising tension between them. Gavin noted that Robert seemed very annoyed that night. The two held hands as they walked down Canal St. Robert asked Gavin if he was intending to stay the night with him. Gavin stated that he was not opposed to the idea – to which Robert corrected him, explaining that he wasn’t invited and instead, Gavin would need to take the train home.
It began raining at this point. Robert hurried into a cab. Gavin reported the long walk in the pouring rain gave him time to reflect on a relationship that he left in the gutter where the cab was driving from.
Gavin did not hear from Robert for four days. Gavin waited patiently for Robert to reach out to him staying by the bedside of the relationship, already brain dead from being out in the cold for too long. On April 20th, four days after the last they had touched base, Robert sent Gavin an email correspondence, asking him to return his keys, and although he would be busy for the next two weeks, that he would be able to pencil Gavin in for a quick night out and a sleepover. Gavin responded that that would not be necessary, as he has moved on.

Upon receipt of this message, Robert became hostile, accusing Gavin of “finding someone new”, being “ungrateful” for his generosity and hospitality then demanded he return the tablet claiming that someone “more deserving” should have it. He ended the letter advising Gavin to “grow up” and commanding him to “go F****” himself. Gavin reminded Robert that he “checked out long before the breakup”, to which Robert snapped, “True and it was fun to watch it all blow up once I wasn’t holding it together.”
Gavin has since moved forward from the experience. He looks back fondly on their short time together. Forensic analysts are still digging for more information, but Gavin is not so sure he really wants to know.
“It was short, beautiful, powerful, and gone just as fast. Just another whirlwind romance in the Windy City.” says a hopeful Gavin with a smile. “Life is short. And I want to make the most of it. I won’t let this experience close my heart off. I knew the risks and given the choice, I would do it all again.”

One thought on “NOIRBITUARY: A Tale From The Windy City

  1. Robert
    May 7, 2013 at 7:59 AM

    This is a very one-sided version of this story, and the facts are somewhat sketchy. I know, because I’m Robert. Just saying.

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